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BODIES REVEALED - RAZKRITA TELESA 12.04 - 09.10.2012 - Tickets
Event details
Ticket is valid for any day
To See is to Know
The study of human anatomy has always operated on a basic principle: to see is to know. This same principle led Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Islamic cultures to a progressively more scientific understanding of the human form. Public dissections during the Renaissance furthered this understanding, laying the foundation for our modern medical institutions and for this Exhibition.
Following this same principle- to see is to know—Bodies…The Exhibition uses dissected human specimens to provide you with a visual textbook to your own body.
The specimens in this Exhibition have been treated with the dignity and respect they so richly deserve.
Our bodies are indeed intricately more complex and wondrous than all the computers and gadgetry that surround us today. Yet many of us do not know what is beneath our skin – how our bodies function, what they need to survive, what destroys them, what revives them.
adults: 15.50 eur
students, seniors: 14 eur
Family pack*: 38 eur
primary school: 9.50
preschool children: free entrance
* Family pack: 2 adults + 2 children
- Age is verified through ID Card or Passport
- Discounts are non-cumulative
The visitors for groups with 15 persons or more must reserve the day and hour in advance by using the contact information shown below.
Announced groups (15 or more persons) are eligible to DISCOUNT in amount 1.50 eur /person, groups of primiry school students in amount 1.00 eur / person.
The teacher/monitor will receive a guide that can be used during the visit to the exhibition and in the future, in school projects..
Tel. : +00386 51 336 834
During the Exhibition please :
- No smoking
- No food or beverages
- No mobile phones
- No photography
- No backpacks
- No strollers