
SNG Nova Gorica

Trg Edvarda Kardelja 5, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Theatre creativity in Nova Gorica started in 1955 when the semi-professional Gorica (City) Theatre was established. The theatre became fully professional in 1969 and changed its name to Primorsko dramsko gledališče. In 1994, a new theatre building with modern stage equipment was built and in 2004 the theatre was declared an institution of national importance and is now fully subsidised by the state. It also changed its name to Slovensko narodno gledališče Nova Gorica (Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica).
The theatre's importance and its programme and artistic orientation are vastly influenced by its geographical position – Nova Gorica lies on the junction of Slavic and Romance cultures.
The repertoire consists of modern texts and classics, and is at the same time marked by the local, Mediterranean tone and the openness to research and experiment. The Mediterranean note, characteristic for this part of Slovenia, can be perceived in both the choice of texts, especially comedies, and in the stagings – in their dynamics, hot-blooded character, dialect hues and very often in their atmospheric open-air performances.