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This incredible live show creates a new era in Irish entertainment, containing a wealth of Irish talent, featuring World and Irish champion dancers, some of the finest Traditional musicians and singers who are a big hit everywhere. Combining traditional dance and music with the most up to date stage technology, this two-hour dance and music extravaganza takes the audiences on an exhilarating and exciting, energy-packed time trip through the ages. It’s internationally rated as one of the most popular and busiest Irish step dance shows in the world making it such a success with critics and audiences worldwide. Be sure to share the experience when it comes to a venue near you. You’ll be very glad you did. It really is out of this world as seen by 7 million people in 50 countries.
Origins of the Show:
From the creation of Rhythm of the Dance in 1998 (initially the show was set up for a 3 week tour of the United States) it has toured consistently internationally and is achieving greater critical acclaim year after year.
This wonderful show continues to evolve thanks to the constant striving for perfection by its Director/Producer, choreographer and composer to keep the show fresh and interesting so that audiences who attend performances regularly will always find some new and exciting elements within the programme.
With a wonderful, gifted young cast of dancers, musicians and singers, featuring live performances from the entire troupe, this is a show that has won critical acclaim across 4 continents of the world in 50 countries to over 7 million fans. And now after 20 Years of showcasing the very best in Irish dance to the world, the show has undergone a process of renewal, reinvigorating the choreography and music to create an even more spectacular performance. Producer Kieran Cavanagh is very excited about the updated format of the show, he hopes that Rhythm of the Dance will be a breathe of fresh air into Irish dance with this traditionally rooted and authentic production.
Celebrating 25 years of Rhythm of the Dance
Fans everywhere are enjoying 2,000 years, and more, of dance, music, songs and culture from pre-Celtic times to modern day sounds all compacted into a 2-hour concert. It’s full of flailing feet and fiddles, futuristic dances, eye-catching lighting and costumes, sensational sound effects and is now one of the top 3 Irish step dance shows in the world.
Apart from having World and Irish champion dancers; this show also has some of the finest Traditional musicians plus singers who are a big hit everywhere. Perhaps it’s the combination of having the crème de la crème of live performers, intertwined with the latest technology, that takes the audiences on an exhilarating and exciting, energy packed 2-hour time-trip through the ages and makes it so successful.
With what can best be described as, akin to the speed of lightening, the dancers sometimes have literally just seconds to make 25 costume changes during the show. The live band consists of top class musicians who play a vast array of musical instruments which include the Traditional Uilleann pipes, Irish Bodhran, fiddles, flutes, accordions, banjo and whistles.
Due to dance shows having no language barriers, it has been a hit in places such as China, where it performed at the gigantic Earth Dome stage, before an audience of 50,000 and was beamed to 750 million viewers, on syndicated Chinese National TV. In Russia’s
Over 7 million fans
Like a sheet of lightening the pulsating rhythms, pure energy and melodic music, in the Rhythm of the Dance show, has hit 50 countries around the world with audience figures of over 7 million fans during the past 25 years. Now in 2023 this global toe-tapping success continues from China to South America and from sunny Spain to snowy Siberia.
Kremlin Palace Theatre the Ministry for Culture gave the show a special award for its contribution to Russian and Siberian Culture. In Moscow’s Crocus City Hall it attracted 6,000 while in Greece, it performed before 5,000 fans at the 2,500 year old Acropolis, Athens. In Poland it won the Best Irish Dance Show award. It was also nominated by the prestigious IQ Magazine as Best Dance Show.
In the USA the show played to full houses in Dolly Parton’s theme Park, Dollywood near Tennessee for a 2 month stint over three seasons. Dolly sang with the cast for one special performance attended by over 1,000 invited media people and guests.
In 2015 Rhythm of the Dance played at the closing ceremony of the European Games in Azerbaijan - the international appearances, awards and accolades go on and on.
Having already entertained over 7 million fans in 50 countries the show hopes to entertain at least another 7 million in the coming years. Now in its 25th anniversary year Rhythm of the Dance continues to hit audiences like a sheet of lightening at over 200 concerts a year all around the world. With no linguistic barriers the future of world entertainment is Rhythm of the Dance and some fans even say it is entertainment that is out of this world. Perhaps, during the coming 25 years performing on the Moon or Mars might be among its next frontiers!