Terms of use

The General Terms and Conditions of Business and Use of the eventim.si website (hereinafter) are compiled in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot-1), the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-2) and the Electronic Commerce Market Act (ZEPT).

The www.eventim.si website and domain (hereinafter also referred to as eventim.si) is managed by the company Eventim SI d.o.o., Celovška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana (registration number: 1868993000, tax number: 67811175), which is an intermediary in the sale of tickets and products (hereinafter also referred to as the seller).

The company Eventim.SI d.o.o. is not the organiser of said events. The events are organised by their organisers, who are also the issuers of tickets. The purchase of a ticket represents, in the part related to the event itself, an exclusive contractual relationship between the ticket holder (buyer) and the individual organiser, whereby the general business conditions of the organiser may also apply to said legal relationship regarding certain legal issues. Eventim.SI d.o.o. sells tickets as an intermediary at the request of an individual event organiser, except in specially marked cases. When purchasing tickets, the buyer authorises Eventim.SI d.o.o. only to arrange the purchase and delivery of tickets. Eventim SI d.o.o.'s responsibility to the buyer is reserved for aspects related to the purchase and delivery of tickets, but not for aspects related to the implementation of the event itself. The responsibility for this lies with the event organiser. The details of the responsible organiser are listed on the front of the ticket. If the event organiser decides to move the event to another date or change the venue, the tickets will be valid for the new date or location of the event, regardless of the reasons for moving or changing the event. The event organiser decides if the tickets can be returned for a refund or exchanged. The name of the company of the organiser responsible is stated next to each event on the eventim.si website, but you can also request it by e-mail at info@eventim.si.

Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes

In accordance with legal norms, Eventim SI d.o.o. does not recognise any provider of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes as competent for resolving consumer disputes that could be initiated by the consumer in accordance with the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes Act.

Eventim SI d.o.o. enables online trade in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, and publishes on its website an electronic link to the online consumer dispute resolution platform (SRPS) -> https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show.

Said regulation derives from the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes Act, Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and the European Council on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2016/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC.

The General Terms and Conditions determine the operation of the www.eventim.si online store, and the rights and obligations of the user (hereinafter also the buyer) and the seller. These terms also regulate their business relationship. The General Terms and Conditions also regulate individual rules of purchase at the collection points of the company Eventim SI d.o.o.

The ticket price includes VAT, the amount of which depends on the status of the legal entity (event organiser). The VAT and VAT rate are listed on the ticket.

Payment is possible with credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Diners), with VALÚ, Aircash and via PayPal. In the case of online purchase, the company Eventim SI d.o.o. has the right to request the identity of the customer due to security reasons and the method of financial operations. EVENTIM.SI d.o.o. reserves the right to verify orders paid by credit card. The company may request the customers to provide a copy of their identity document (passport or identity card). The request will be sent via e-mail. If the customer does not provide the data at the request of Eventim SI d.o.o. within the specified period, the order will be cancelled. Credit card payments are handled through the parent company CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA, Contrescarpe 75 A, D-28195 Bremen, Germany.

When purchasing a ticket, the buyer or user of EVENTIM SI d.o.o. services agrees that the data that is provided electronically will be used by Eventim SI d.o.o. for the purpose of carrying out the order and informing, as stated in the privacy policy. Eventim SI d.o.o. is committed to the permanent protection of all personal data of the user in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR Regulation. If the user no longer wishes to receive newsletters and promotional material from Eventim SI d.o.o., they can unsubscribe. Instructions for unsubscribing can be found in every newsletter or electronic message and on the personal user account. The users can also contact us at info@eventim.si. You can also unsubscribe by sending the "Manage your interests" form to info@eventim.si, zasebno@eventim.si, or by post to Eventim Si d.o.o., Celovška cesta 25, SI - 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Under no circumstances will the user's data be passed on to unauthorised persons. The user is also responsible for the protection of personal data by ensuring the security of their e-mail address, username and password and the appropriate software (anti-virus) protection of their computer.

For tickets sent by mail, delivery service, or via the internet (print@home tickets, e-tickets), Eventim SI d.o.o. is responsible only until the moment when they are physically received by the buyer or by a person appointed by the buyer for this purpose, who is not a carrier, in perfect condition, in the agreed quantity, and at the agreed time. Eventim SI d.o.o. is not responsible for tickets that are subsequently lost. Furthermore, Eventim SI d.o.o. is under no circumstances responsible for the actions of third parties who carry out the delivery (postal units and other delivery services) at the buyer's order and who were not offered to the buyer by Eventim SI d.o.o. In the event of the subsequent loss of print@home tickets (tickets printed directly from the company's internet application) or e-tickets for justified reasons (e.g., due to deletion or loss of a mobile phone), buyers should contact info@eventim.si.

Tickets may not be misused, copied or altered. Print@home tickets may not be copied or forwarded. An individual ticket is valid when it is used to enter an event for the first time, which means that the first ticket that is accepted together with the corresponding identification is deemed valid. All subsequent tickets with the same identification are automatically invalid. By using an authorised ticket, the user accepts the general conditions of the organiser of the event and the rules of the venue in which the event is taking place.

The buyer is bound by the general conditions in force at the time of purchase (online order). When placing an order, users are reminded of the general terms and conditions of business and confirm their acceptance of said terms by placing an order. The General Terms and Conditions are also available at the collection points of Eventim SI d.o.o. The company reserves the right to change the General Terms and Conditions, and the terms in force at the time of purchase will apply. The court with relevant jurisdiction in Ljubljana has jurisdiction to resolve any disputes.


Upon registration in the eventim.si system, the visitor obtains a username that is the same as his e-mail address and password. The username and password unambiguously identify the user and connects him to all data. By registering a visit, he becomes a user and acquires the right to purchase.

If a user wishes to change their email address to another at any time, they do so by logging into their user account with their existing email address, where under the tab "Change email", they replace their email address. The same process applies if they want to change their password. They do so under the tab "Change password" in the user account.

The user can login into user account by clicking on the human-shaped button (top right). After click on the button, option for login drops down. Here new users have the option to create a new user account or sign into an existing one. Registration or login is also possible later, in the shopping process.

Registration: New user on website need to select "I want to create a new user account". In the field below customer need to enter e-mail address with which he want to register on the site. Confirm the e-mail entry by clicking on the "Confirm" button. Immediately after confirmation, will get an email with a generated login password.

Logging in an existing user: The user selects the "I have a user account" option and enters the e-mail with which account has been created. Enter the password in the window below the e-mail and confirm the entry with the "Confirm" button.


When the user is logged on the website, clicks the human-shaped button again (top right). The user is presented with a menu containing options provided by the user account.


Each website customer can review his orders made on our website. All orders are saved under the tab "Your recent orders" in your user account. Customer can view details of each order by clicking on the "Details" button and the eye shape icon, for each purchase separately. If customer chooses the details of the order, customer can see which and how many tickets has been ordered, what was the price of the tickets, which delivery has been used, etc.

If the customer has purchased tickets and selected print@home delivery, customer can print out the tickets by clicking on the button in the form of a printer. This button is only available for purchases with print@home delivery selected. After clicking the print button, a .pdf ticket is generated, which can be saved to a computer or printed.


By clicking on the "Your Addresses" button, customer can view the list of addresses to which tickets have already been sent. Customer can edit or delete each of the address data.

To edit address information, customer must select the "Edit" button for each address. By clicking on the button, a page with existing data opens where customer can change or add. To confirm the data entry, the user must click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

By clicking on the "Delete" button, the user deletes the address data.

By clicking on the "Add new address" button, the user can add new address information. Each user can have more than one ticket delivery address.


In this tab, each user can change the existing login password. To do this, enter the desired new password in the first empty field and repeat the entry of the new password in the second field. Confirm the change by clicking the "Change password" button.

Note: The user must use a new password the next time they log in to their user account.


In the "Change mail" tab, the user can change the e-mail address with which registration has been made. In the field "Change your email address", the user enters a new e-mail address and confirms by clicking on the "Change email" button.

Note: The user must use a new e-mail address the next time they log in to the user account.


The "Manage your subscriptions" tab allows registered users to view e-newsletter subscriptions. In this part, the user can unsubscribe from certain news by clicking on the Off / On switch. If the user wants to subscribe to specific newsletters, they do so by entering the performer or defining their interest in the boxes below. They confirm the selection with a click on the Off/On switch and click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page.


Once the registered user has completed the purchase or editing of the website, he must log out of his user account. This is done by clicking on the "Log out" button in the user account menu.

Tickets can also be purchased without registering in the eventim.si online store as a guest.


Eventim.si undertakes to provide the customer with the following information before the conclusion of any contract or offer:

  • The main characteristics of the goods, services, or digital content to the extent appropriate to the medium used for data storage and the goods, services, or digital content;
  • The name of the company, the address of the company's headquarters, and the company's telephone number, when available;
  • The final price of the goods, services, or digital content, including taxes, or the method of calculating the price if it cannot be calculated in advance due to the nature of the goods, services, or digital content;
  • Information on any additional costs of transport, delivery, or dispatch, or a warning that such costs may be incurred if they cannot be calculated in advance;
  • Payment terms and conditions for the delivery of goods and performance of services or supply of digital content, the deadline for the delivery of goods and performance of services or supply of digital content, if necessary;
  • Information on the complaints procedure at the company;
  • Notification of the legal guarantee for conformity of goods, services, or digital content;
  • Notification of the possibility and conditions of after-sales services and voluntary guarantees (commercial warranties), if necessary;
  • The duration of the contract, if applicable, and the conditions for terminating contracts concluded for an indefinite period or contracts with automatic renewal;
  • Functionality, including applicable measures for technical protection of goods with digital elements, digital content, or digital services, where appropriate;
  • Information on the compatibility and interoperability of goods with digital elements, digital content, or digital services, with which the company is or should be familiar;
  • The address of the company's headquarters, telephone number, and email address of the company, and, if necessary, the name and address of the company on whose behalf it operates;
  • Details of another means of online communication provided by the company. Another means of online communication ensures that the consumer can conduct any correspondence with the company on a durable medium, including the date and time of such correspondence;
  • The address where the company actually conducts its business, if different from the address of the company's headquarters, and, if necessary, the address where the company actually conducts its business on behalf of which it operates, where the consumer can address complaints;
  • Costs associated with the use of the means of communication, if different from the basic rate;
  • Information that the price has been adjusted based on automated decision-making, if necessary;
  • Conditions, deadlines, and procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal from the contract in accordance with Articles 134, 135, and 136 of the Consumer Protection Act-1, together with the withdrawal form from the fifth paragraph of Article 138 of the Consumer Protection Act-1;
  • Statement that the consumer bears the costs of returning the goods in case of withdrawal from the contract, if necessary;
  • Costs of returning the goods if, due to its nature, it cannot be returned by mail in distance contracts;
  • Costs that the consumer must pay to the company in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 141 of the Consumer Protection Act-1, if the consumer withdraws from the contract after submitting a request in accordance with the seventh paragraph of Article 132 or the third paragraph of Article 133 of the Consumer Protection Act-1;
  • The absence of the right of withdrawal from the contract if the consumer does not have the right of withdrawal in accordance with Article 135 of this law, or if necessary, the circumstances in which the consumer loses the right of withdrawal from the contract;
  • The existence of codes of conduct and accessibility to any codes of conduct;
  • The minimum duration of the consumer's obligations under the contract, if necessary;
  • Deposits or other financial guarantees and the conditions relating to them that the consumer must pay or provide at the request of the company, if necessary;
  • The possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution and other legal remedies applicable to companies, and their accessibility, if necessary.


All complaints and contract cancellations are handled by the department at reklamacije@eventim.si every working day between 8 AM and 4 PM. Due to data protection and user profile security, only complaints or cancellations submitted in writing to the email address reklamacije@eventim.si, sent by mail to the address of the company Eventim SI d.o.o., Celovška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana, or communicated to the company Eventim SI d.o.o. through another unambiguous statement clearly indicating that the customer is withdrawing from the contract or filing a complaint, are considered valid. The consumer may also submit a notice of withdrawal using the form from the 5th paragraph of Article 138 of ZVPot-1, which can be sent by mail to the company's address or to the aforementioned email address..


Pursuant to item 12 of Article 135. of the Consumer Protection Act, the consumer has no right to withdraw from the contract for leisure services where the company undertakes to fulfil its obligation on a specific date or within a specified period. With regard to the legal exception, according to which the consumer has no right to withdraw from the purchase of tickets, all ticket orders are binding, regardless of the method of order (by phone, e-mail or online). No tickets for any events in Slovenia and abroad, which were purchased via the website www.eventim.si or at authorised points of sale of the company Eventim Si d.o.o., can be returned and no refund may be requested for them.

In case of event cancellation or any change in the date of the event, the organiser of the event is, in all cases, responsible for handling the situation and issuing refunds. In the event of the above circumstances, the company Eventim SI d.o.o. will inform ticket buyers as soon as possible about the contact details of the organiser and the possibility of a refund.

The company Eventim SI d.o.o. is only an intermediary in the sale of tickets and is not responsible for refunding the money for the purchased tickets. Nevertheless, the company will do everything in its power to ensure that the organiser does in fact reimburse the buyers.

In case of event cancellation, tickets can be returned in the same way as they were received within two months after the planned date of the event, provided that you agree with the general conditions of the organiser and the venue of the event. The purchased tickets can be:

- returned in person to the point of sale at which you purchased them;

- if you ordered your tickets by phone or online, send them by post together with your personal information (first name, last name, address, number of the bank account to which you want us to send the money) to the address of the company Eventim SI d.o.o. at Celovška 25, 1000 Ljubljana.

Buyers can return their tickets to the point of sale at which they bought the ticket no earlier than on the next Monday after the date of cancellation of the event. Holders of print@home tickets and e-tickets will receive a refund the same way as they paid for the tickets, without any additional responsibilities on their part. The tickets will be considered invalid after this point.

Eventim SI d.o.o. is not obliged to inform its customers about any changes to individual events, but it does its best to do so.

Minimal or justified changes in the lineup or program execution are reserved rights. In the event of cancellation, date changes, or modifications in the lineup or program, any additional costs you may incur (e.g., travel, accommodation) will not be reimbursed. In case of event cancellation, the ticket issuance fee will not be refunded. However, if the event date or venue is changed and the organizer, consequently Eventim, provides the option to withdraw from the contract, the ticket issuance fee will also be refunded to the customer.

In case of lost or stolen tickets, the buyer is not entitled to a reimbursement or the replacement of tickets.

It is the buyer's responsibility to verify the validity of the date, time and location of the event for which they purchased the ticket. Upon receipt of the ticket, the buyer is obliged to immediately check the ticket and any errors in the ticket printout (such as incorrect printout of the event, date, time and location of the event or incorrect indication of the chosen seat) and inform Eventim SI d.o.o. about any errors immediately or within 8 days of detecting the error on the ticket.

The company Eventim SI d.o.o. strives to ensure that all prices on their website are accurate, but errors can still occur. If Eventim SI d.o.o. discovers an error in the price of a ticket that has already been ordered by the customer, Eventim SI d.o.o. will notify the customer as soon as possible and give the customer the option to either maintain the price listed at the time of the order, reconfirm the order at the correct price, or cancel the order. If Eventim SI d.o.o. is unable to contact the customer, the price listed at the time of the customer's order will apply. If the customer decides to cancel the ticket with the incorrect price after payment has been made, Eventim SI d.o.o. will refund the money. However, if the customer reconfirms their order at the correct price, which is lower than the price listed at the time of the order, Eventim SI d.o.o. will refund the appropriate difference.

Complaints are resolved by the ticket buyer and the company Eventim SI d.o.o., as an intermediary in ticket sales, in cooperation with the event organiser, more specifically within the complaint period, which is eight (8) days from the receipt of a written complaint from the submitter. Within this period, the company Eventim SI d.o.o., as an intermediary in the sale of tickets, is obliged to provide the submitter of the complaint with a written or oral response to the submitted complaint.


The consumer (this applies only to natural persons who acquire the product for purposes outside their gainful activity) has the right to notify the seller within 14 days of receiving the products that they will withdraw from the contract without having to provide a reason for their decision. In this case, the consumer can be burdened only by the costs from the second paragraph of Article 141 of ZVPot-1. The deadline starts one day after the date of receipt of the products.

Due to the protection of personal data and user profiles, only a written withdrawal via e-mail or post that is accompanied by a filled-out form shall be considered a valid withdrawal from the contract.

In case of withdrawal from the contract, the consumer shall return the received product either by post to the seller's address: Celovška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana, or by bringing it to one of the seller's collection points in person.

The return of the received products to the company within the deadline for withdrawal from the contract is considered a notice of withdrawal from the contract.

The consumer must return the product to the seller in an undamaged condition and in the same quantity, unless the product was destroyed, damaged, or lost, or if its quantity has decreased not by fault of the consumer. If you start using the products but change your mind, you lose the right to withdraw from the contract. In addition, the products you are returning should be unused, undamaged and still sealed in their original packaging. We recommend that if you notice immediately after receipt that the colour, size or any of the other properties of the product are not as you imagined, you do not open the products completely or open them at all, if possible. When opening the packaging, make sure that you do not damage the packaging and that you carefully store the packaging, including all the contents that protected your product and individual accessories, for at least six months from the date of their receipt, so that your potential return costs will be kept to a minimum. Please note that you are solely responsible for the reduction of the value of the goods if the decrease in their value can be traced to conduct that is not strictly necessary to determine the nature, characteristics or performance of the goods. The consumer may not use the products without hindrance until their withdrawal from the contract. The consumer may inspect and test the products to the extent strictly necessary to establish the actual situation. Any testing of a product that deviates from the above sentence is considered to be the use of a product, meaning that the consumer loses the right to withdraw from the contract.

The only cost borne by the consumer in connection with the withdrawal from the contract is the cost of returning the products (which in the case of shipping is charged according to the price list of the delivery service and depends on whether it is a shipment/package/cargo).

If the consumer has already received the product and withdraws from the contract, they must return it to Eventim SI d.o.o. or the person authorised by Eventim SI d.o.o. for the acceptance of goods immediately or no later than 14 days after the notice of withdrawal from the contract (purchase) has been sent. In the case of sales contracts, the company may withhold the refund of payments received until the goods have been returned or until the consumer provides proof that they returned the goods, unless Eventim SI d.o.o. offers the option to pick up the to-be-returned goods by itself.

Unless otherwise agreed by the contracting parties, the consumer shall not be entitled to withdraw from contracts for leisure services in cases where the company undertakes to fulfil its obligation on a specific date or within a specified period.

Refunds will be made as soon as possible and no later than 14 days after receipt of the notice of withdrawal from the contract. The company shall return the payments received to the consumer with the same means of payment as used by the consumer, unless the consumer has explicitly requested the use of another means of payment, and the consumer does not incur any costs as a result.

Upon withdrawal from the contract where a bonus, discount code or promotional code has been used, these amounts are considered as a discount and will not be returned to the user. Only the ticket price amount will be returned to the user's bank account. Upon withdrawal from the contract, a gift voucher is considered as a means of payment and will be returned to the user's bank account.

In exceptional cases whereby the products are not returned in accordance with ZVPot-1, we can offer the consumer the buyback of the product with the appropriate compensation, which will be determined upon the product's return. Discounted buyback shall be deemed as agreed upon when the consumer confirms it via e-mail. The consumer can use said buyback amount only when ordering another product of the same value or higher.

The right to a refund of the purchase price in the event of a warranty claim or material errors is regulated in more detail by the provisions of ZVPot-1.


Eventim SI d.o.o. respects the applicable legislation on consumer protection and makes every effort to fulfil its duty to ensure an effective complaint handling system.

In case of any problems, the buyer can contact the seller by e-mail at info@eventim.si.

Complaints can be submitted via e-mail at info@eventim.si. The complaint handling procedure is confidential. Eventim SI d.o.o. is obliged to protect the submitter's data and not to disclose them to third parties, except at the express request of the submitter.

Eventim SI d.o.o. is aware that the essential feature of consumer disputes is the disproportion between the economic value of the claim and the time and costs incurred in resolving the dispute, which is the main obstacle to the consumer not initiating a dispute in court. Eventim SI d.o.o. therefore strives to the best of its ability to resolve any disputes amicably through agreement and mediation. In the event that an amicable solution is not possible, disputes will be resolved by the competent court in Ljubljana.

In case of technical problems or if a user requires any help in purchasing tickets, they have the following options at their disposal:

  • information about frequently asked questions: user assistance located on the website eventim.si
  • e-mail: info@eventim.si;
  • we provide free assistance to users over the phone on weekdays (Monday to Friday) between 12.00 and 15.00. For assistance, please call 386 3 426 76 00.


The following technical steps are available to the customer (buyer) in the purchase process:

  • the customer (buyer) chooses a ticket in two ways, Either by selecting best seat selection or by choosing seats from the seatmap selection (see also STEP 1);
  • login to the online store using an e-mail address, if the customer (buyer) has previously created a user account (see also STEP 1);
  • search for an individual ticket or product in the online store;
  • selection of a ticket or product for purchase;
  • adding the quantity of tickets or products in the shopping cart;
  • review of the price of the selected product in the selected quantity, including the tax charged, if any;
  • selection of the ticket or product delivery method (see STEP 3);
  • selection of payment method (see STEP 4);
  • review of the order with the selected method of delivery of the product and the charged delivery costs, if any (see STEPS 5 and 6)
  • review of ticket fee cost
  • confirmation and the completion of the purchase


When a visitor decides to buy tickets on the website, he finds the desired event and clicks on it. In the selected event, customer select the date and time of the event (if more options are available) and click on the "Tickets" button.


In this step, the user can see various price categories, with a description of the ticket type - seat, stand, etc. There are two different options for choosing tickets from which the user can choose. (above).


The customer of the website chooses the number of tickets in any price category. The website determines the best seat for the user according to the availability of the event space. The number of selected tickets can also be changed later. By clicking on the button featuring a shopping cart icon, along with the number and total amount of selected tickets, the user proceeds to the next step.


The seats can be selected by the user with the help of an interactive seatmap. It does this by clicking on the "Seatmap selection" tab. (above)

To move around the hall layout, the user uses the keys and mouse wheel, while zooming in and out of the hall layout by clicking the plus (+) or minus (-) button. The user selects a seat by clicking on the desired seat, which is indicated by a circle icon. Then, they click on the "Selected seats" button, where the selected seats, price categories, and prices are listed. If they agree with the selection, they click on the button below, where the number of tickets and the price are displayed, and proceed to the next step.

ATTENTION: selected tickets will remain reserved in the shopping cart for 22 minutes, then the reservation expires. The rest of the time is visible at the top right. The maximum number of tickets for the selected category that the user can choose is a maximum of 8 tickets. If the user wants to buy tickets for another event, does this by returning to the main page, selecting the event, and repeating step 1 described above. The tickets added to the cart are stored under the user account icon in the "View your shopping cart" tab.


In this step, the user is presented with the selected tickets along with their corresponding price categories and prices. Additionally, at this step, they are informed about the ticket issuance cost and offered the option to choose ticket insurance. They proceed with the purchase process by clicking on the "Continue with delivery" button.


In this step, the user first determines who the summary of the order will be addressed to. He is offered two options - either to log in with an existing Eventim user account or to log in as a guest.

If he logs in with his user account, he enters his email address and password in the empty field and clicks on the "Continue with Eventim" button. In the next step, he selects the address.

If the user does not have a user account, or if he wants to shop as a guest, he must fill in the empty fields with his details. Once the login selection process is completed in both cases, the user moves to the choice of delivery method by clicking on the "Continue with delivery method" button. In this step, possible delivery methods are displayed.

Delivery methods vary from event to event, depending on the wishes of the organizer and the number of days until the event. In case there are several delivery methods available, this selection lists all those available for the selected event. The user can choose only one type of ticket delivery.

If the user wants us to send the tickets to a different address, they can do so by clicking on the "Send tickets to different address" button and filling in the empty fields.

If the user wants the tickets to be sent abroad, they also select the option "Send tickets to different address" and fill in the empty fields. At this point, the system calculates the price of DHL delivery based on the country to which the tickets are to be sent.

If the user has created a user account, the delivery addresses are automatically saved for them. Address details can be modified in the user's account.

If the user shops as a guest, they must enter the required information into the empty fields. However, they can also create a user account during the shopping process, and their addresses will be saved to it.

"Courier delivery" allows Slovenian customers to receive their orders via registered mail. After successful payment, we will send the tickets to your chosen address in Slovenia through Pošta Slovenije. The shipment will arrive at the selected address within 3 business days. If you are not available at the specified address upon delivery, the postal worker will leave a notification in your mailbox regarding the received shipment. You can then collect the shipment or tickets at your nearest post office within 8 days.

"Personal pick-up" offers the user the opportunity to pick up tickets in person. Ticket pickup is possible at Petrol sales points. It is necessary to provide information about who will pick up the tickets.

"Print @ home" offers the user the opportunity to print tickets at home. If the user selects print @ home option, a .pdf ticket is generated in the user’s user account. The generated .pdf ticket can be printed from the time of purchase until the beginning of the event for which the tickets were purchased. Print @ home tickets can be purchased with credit cards, Aircash or by paying via Pay Pal or VALÚ. Additional instructions regarding the use and printing of tickets "Print @ home" are: https://www.eventim.si/si/placilne_metode/.

An e-ticket is an electronic ticket that users access through their user account or save on their electronic device. The user shows the e-ticket at the event via his electronic device. E-ticket can be purchased with credit cards, Aircash or of by paying via Pay Pal or VALÚ. Additional instructions regarding the use of e-tickets can be found at: https://www.eventim.si/si/placilne_metode/.

The Eventim streaming delivery method is only for events that can be viewed digitally (live broadcast or event recording). By selecting eventim.streaming delivery method you receive a link to the event. By clicking on the link, you will be directed to the website where the live broadcast or recording of the event will take place. You will receive the link at the end of the purchase process, in your user account and in the confirmation email.


Payment methods are visible to the user in the main window. Ticket payment methods vary from event to event, depending on the requirements of the organizers, the number of days until the event and the chosen delivery method. The Eventim.si website enables payment by credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Diners), VALÚ, Aircash and payment by bank transfer.

From the string of payment methods, the user chooses the desired one. If the user chooses a credit card, he must enter the credit card information in the appropriate fields. Credit card information is not stored on the website, so it is necessary to enter it with each purchase.

With the "Voucher – Eventim Gift Card" it is also possible to buy tickets online. Among the payment methods options, the first or top line "Do you have a voucher code?" is intended for redeeming a gift voucher. In the empty field, the user enters the gift voucher number and clicks on the "Submit" button. If the customer wants to use multiple gift vouchers, they enter the code of the next or another voucher in the newly displayed field.

If the customer wishes to use multiple gift vouchers, after entering the code of the first gift voucher, an additional field will appear where they repeat the process. Payment with a gift voucher can also be partial, and the share up to the total purchase price can also be settled by another payment method.

To confirm the selected payment method, the user must click on the "Review your order" button.


In the next step, the customer gets an overview of the entire order. If they want to change any item, they must click on the "Change" button next to the respective item, which will then display the options again for them to choose another one.

Once they agree with all the details, they must confirm the terms of service and privacy policy and click on the bottom button "Confirm and place your order," indicating their full agreement by placing the order. Before clicking on the "Confirm and place your order" button, the user is required to carefully review all purchase details (purchase date and amount, event title, number of tickets, selected seats).

After clicking on the "Confirm and place your order" button, changes or cancellation of the purchase are no longer possible. After placing the order, windows for completing the payment will appear to the customer. Once the payment is successfully processed, a message thanking them for the order will be displayed on the screen.


At the end of the shopping process, the customer can review the details of their order. In a few minutes, the customer will receive a confirmation email at the email address provided during registration or in the purchasing process, along with the details of the order.

The tickets in .pdf format will be sent separately to your email, and you will also receive the invoice for the service separately. The buyer can also access the tickets in their user profile under the tab "Your recent orders".

How to identify and correct errors before placing an order?

Before placing an order, the customer can easily:

  • sees and reviews the tickets for which event were added to the shopping cart;
  • sees and reviews the price of each ticket and the total price of the order;
  • can change number of tickets and price will be calculated accordingly;
  • can remove tickets from the shopping chart which he does not want to buy;
  • can change the selected delivery method;
  • can change the chosen method of payment, and
  • can review and approve individual changes to the order. With final confirmation, the customer places the order to Eventim SI d.o.o.. Eventim SI d.o.o. sends an order confirmation email and receipt of the order to the customer's email address.

If the browser provides an error message during the purchase, or any other obvious problem occurs during the purchase, the customer needs to check the status of purchases in the "Your recent orders" section before retrying. If the confirmation for the desired event is not recorded, the transaction was not completed. The buyer can send the following information about the purchase to the e-mail address info@eventim.si:

  • date / time of purchase;
  • name of the event;
  • number of tickets;
  • e-mail address used at the time of purchase;
  • the payment he meant to use;
  • in which step of the purchase the problem occurred;
  • the notice that was displayed.


Upon placing an order, the customer will receive a confirmation email to the email address provided during registration or in the purchasing process. The email will contain details of the order. The tickets in .pdf format will be sent separately to their email, and they will also receive the invoice for the service separately.

The customer always has access to comprehensive data on the status and content of their order in their personal user account under the tab "Your recent orders."

Each order (purchase agreement) of the customer is stored electronically on the eventim.si server and is accessible to the customer at any time by accessing their personal user account under the tab "Your recent orders."


When purchasing tickets through the Eventim sales network, from 15 March 2024 we will charge you the ticket fee in the amount of 1.0 EUR (including 22% VAT) per ticket. The additional cost represents the compensation used to cover the costs of bank transactions, the additional material costs incurred due to the introduction of fiscalization (previously the ticket was invoice) and the costs of bank transactions.


When purchasing tickets through the Eventim sales network for events abroad, we charge you a fee for ticket issuance for foreign events. The additional cost, charged on each ticket, represents a fee covering additional expenses for providing ticket distribution in Slovenia for foreign events, as well as additional costs associated with settlements and transfers abroad.


It is a service with which Eventim.si enables viewing of events that are broadcast live or recordings of events.

General terms updated on March 1, 2025.