svetlana makarovič - Nakup vstopnic

Svetlana Makarovič z gosti

Trenutno ni aktivnih predstav za ta dogodek!

Podrobnosti dogodka

Ob vstopu na prireditveni prostor morate izkazati negativen rezultat PCR ali HAG testa, potrdilo o prebolelosti oziroma cepljenosti, po navodilih NIJZ in odloku v UL, št.73, str.4392/13.5.2021, do preklica oziroma spremembe.

Entry into the venue is permitted only with a negative PCR or RAT test result, a medical certificate of recovery or vaccination, in accordance with the instructions of the National Institute of Public Health and the decree in the Official Gazzette of the RS, no. 73, p. 4392/May 13, 2021.