uefa_Slo - Tickets ©

Kvalifikacije za UEFA EURO 2020

There are no active performances for this event!

Event details

Slovenian national team will play two European Qualifiers matches in September at the Stožice national stadium, first against Poland (6th of September) and then against Israel (9th of September). Both matches will be played at 20:45hrs.



5. 7. – 31. 7.: internet sales – bundles for both games exclusively for the old and new members of FA Slovenia fan community “Biti kot eno” – bundle price – 26€, students – 13€, family sector 26€ for adults and 13€ for children up to 14 years of age.


1. 8. – 23. 8.: public sales - bundles sales for both September games - bundle price – 30€, students – 15€, family sector 30€ for adults and 15€ for children up to 14 years of age.


24. 8. – up until the game day of each match: public sales of individual games – price per game ticket – 20€, students – 10€, family sector 20€ for adults and 10€ for children up to 14 years of age.


Game day: price per game ticket – 25€, students – 12€, family sector 25€ for adults and 2€ for children up to 14 years of age.



Police ordered a ticket personalization for the game against Poland. When purchasing a ticket, a buyer has to fulfil the personalization coupon on ticket with name, surname, home address and e-mail for each ticket holder. Polish fans/citizens will be able to attend the match only in the away fans sector (28, 29, 30, 31, 32 – all gate D), with all personal data written on ticket and with ID document. Tickets for that sector can be bought exclusively through the Polish Football Association https://bilety.laczynaspilka.pl/ .

In case fans/citizens of visiting team appear at the gates which are designated for home spectators, they won’t be able to enter the stadium due to security reasons by police or security. In case fans/citizens of visiting teams appear in the sector designated for home spectators, they will be asked to leave the sector/stadium due to security reasons by police or security.

Due to security reasons internet ticket sale to foreign citizens is restricted. We reserve the right to cancel tickets even if they have been purchased.


Z uwagi na lokalne wymagania Policji na mecz z Polską każdy kibic musi wypełnić kupon personalizacyjny na bilecie imieniem, nazwiskiem i adresem domowym. Polscy kibice będą mogli wziąć udział w meczu tylko w sektorach kibiców przyjezdnych (28, 29, 30, 31, 32 – wejście Bramą D). Bilety do tych sektorów można kupić wyłącznie za pośrednictwem Polskiego Związku Piłki Nożnej na stronie https://bilety.laczynaspilka.pl .

W przypadku gdy polscy kibice pojawią się na bramach wyznaczonych dla widzów Słowenii, ze względów bezpieczeństwa nie będą mogli wejść na stadion. Ponadto, jeśli polscy kibice pojawią się w sektorze przeznaczonym dla kibiców Słowenii, zostaną poproszeni przez policję lub ochronę o opuszczenie sektora / stadionu ze względów bezpieczeństwa.

Ze względów bezpieczeństwa sprzedaż przez Internet biletów dla obcokrajowców jest ograniczona. Zastrzegamy sobie prawo do anulowania biletów nawet jeśli zostały już zakupione.



Handicapped fans that want to see the game should e-mail the ticketing office at vstopnice@nzs.si and write down their contact details. FA Slovenian will contact them about their ticket. Tickets for handicapped fans are free, while their companion has to buy a regular ticket.


Official organizer: 


Predoslje 40a

4000 Kranj