Terms of use

General terms and conditions for the event.card holders

1. Event.card

Event.card is a loyalty programme card that enables additional benefits for the card holders on www.eventim.si . They can use these benefits while shopping within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

2. Event.card holder

Any physical person can acquire an event.card. Persons under the age of 15 need a written permission from their parents or legal guardians. A legal person (Companies, institutions etc.) cannot acquire an event.card.

A physical person can only acquire a single event.card. S physical person with the same personal information (names, surname, address, birth date,…) as an existing event.card holder cannot acquire an event.card.

3. Publisher

The publisher and owner of event.card card is Eventim.si d.o.o., Celovška 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Tax code: SI67811175 to be referred to from here on as Eventim or Eventim.

4. General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions for event.card holders apply to the acquisition and use of the event.card card and are published on www.eventim.si.

EVENTIM holds the right to change or add to the general terms and conditions. The event.card holders will be notified about any changes to the Terms and conditions on the website www.eventim.si. The changes to General terms and conditions become binding within 15 days starting with the date when the notification is first published.

5. Use

Event.card can be used by the holder while using the website www.eventim.si and eventim.si points of sale.

The event.card holder can use his or her card to purchase tickets for certain events that will be published on eventim.si. The event.card holder can only use the card personally. The use of the card to make purchases with the intent of resale and/or the use of event.card for purchases by persons who have registered trade as one of their core activities is not allowed.

6. Acquiring the event.card

The event.card can be acquired by filling out a form at the seat of Eventim.si, Eventim.si points of sale or on the website www.eventim.si.

Event.card can be acquired under the condition that a form is sent to the Eventim company that also includes the following personal data: sex, name, surname, birth date, residence, e-mail, GSM number. By signing the form, the holder consents to Eventim.si gathering and using his purchase data. Eventim will - with the consent of the cardholder – use this information for the purposes of informing the customer about new offers, to see which offers and information for event.card customers are particularly interesting, indirect marketing and adapting its offers.

After the submissions of the fully filled out and signed Acquisition form the holder will receive his event.card. The event.card is a plastic card that also includes a barcode.

The holder can withdraw from these general terms and conditions and the acquisition form after a period of 15 days starting from the date when the form was signed and submitted.

7. Personal information

By filling out the Acquisition form, the holder allows for the publisher to check his or her personal information and electronically process it upon issuing the event.card card. The holder is responsible for providing accurate and valid information in all of the event.card forms. Eventim cannot be held responsible for any consequences resulting from false information provided by the holder.

Eventim is obligated, by itself or through a contractor, as the personal information administrator to process all the personal information in accordance with the the Law on the protection of personal data.

Eventim will connect the personal data gathered from the forms that the event.card users fill out and send to Eventim with purchase and transaction information. All of the information will be stored in a database at the Eventim seat or at other contractedl personal information processors. The information will be regularly analysed and segmented so that the data processor can form groups of cardholders according to specific criteria that will be either demographical or transactional.

Eventim will - as the information administrator of the event.card holder data provided on the subscription form and other Eventim forms, personal information (sex, name, surname, birth date, address or temporary address, e-mail, GSM etc.) - use this information for direct marketing purposes.

Eventim holds the right to view and utilize personal data if it suspects that the client is breaking the general terms and conditions or is under suspicion of breaking the law.

The event.card holder has the right to demand from the information administrator in a written or other prescribed form a temporary or complete stop to the use of his personal information for the purposes of direct marketing. The information administrator must stop with the use of personal information for direct marketing purposes within 15 days of receiving the holders request. The information administrator must than inform the holder through e-mail or other prescribed forms of communication within 5 days of the cancellation.

If the holder wishes to cancel the use of his or her information for the intents of direct marketing, he must submit a written Membership cancellation form (as described in article 12. of the General terms and conditions). He must than return his event.card to Eventim, which means that he can no longer use the benefits provided to the holders. Eventim will also remove him from the event.card holder database.

8. Benefits

Event.card provides several card holder benefits for certain events that are posted on www.eventim.si or mentioned via e-mail, marketing materials or GSM.

It is not possible to use event.card discount in combination with different discounts (carefree, different delivery methods or Eventim gift cards).

The discounted tickets will be available on www.eventim.si/event.card. You can also find them on the site using the search term “event.card”. To access discounts the event.card holder must be logged into his user account. The account must be connected to his event.card in compliance with the instructions or the event.card id number must be entered manually during the purchase procedure. The combinations of different discounts are not available.

9. Replacing the card

In the cases of loss, destruction or damage to the event.card the holder can apply for a replacement. He must first send an e-mail with his personal data; he must than fil out and sign a form or a statement. After the submission of the signed written form, he will receive a new event.card.

In the case of theft, Eventim cannot be held responsible for any misuse by third party clients.

10. Subscription termination

In the case that the holder wishes to terminate his event.card subscription he must notify Eventim in written form through the –email address info@eventim.si. A Membership termination form will be sent to the holder that he must fil out and submit to Eventim.

After the submission of the form the membership will officially be cancelled and all the information on the event.card user will be deleted within a period of 15 days of the day of cancelation. Any unused benefits remaining on the card will not be available after the cancelation. When the membership is suspended, the holder is not entitled to any refunds or benefits.

11. Event.card validity

Event.card is valid until it is cancelled by either the provider or the holder.

Eventim holds the right to revoke the card in the case of a serious infraction of the terms and conditions.

12. Abuse

Eventim cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the event.card and is not obligated to check the customers identity.

13. Communication

Eventim will notify the card holders on new offers, benefits, and surveys through contact information provided by the card holders.

14. Terms and conditions

Any conflicts between the holder and provider will be resolved within jurisdiction of the court in Ljubljana.

Eventim Si d.o.o., February 2015

The discounts and benefits mentioned above apply only to purchases made on the website www.eventim.si and to event.cards holders. All the information and orders can be found on www.eventim.si/event.card