Louis Tomlinson

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5 available Fan Reports

  1. Upam na nove datume in da bom lahko še enkrat to izkusila!

    by Lana at stožice on 14.09.2023

    najboljši večer mojega življenja, sem za vedno spremenjena!!! kritična točka je bil trenutek ko sem videla njegove žile hahaha. večno upam na nove datume in da bom lahko še enkrat to izkusila :) louis moja ljubezen!!
  2. One of the best days of my entire life!

    by tia at stožice arena on 14.09.2023

    One of the best days of my entire life! everything was beautiful - from opening acts to louis himself and also just the atmosphere that we as fans created, it was a magical night which i will never forget and i hope i will be able to see him a couple more times in the future