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Event details

Parallel Worlds

Monday, 14 September 2015
Kazina Hall at 19:30

Richard Tognetti - violin
Satu Vänskä - violin
Jasminka Stančul - piano

Sergei Prokofiev: Sonata for Two Violins in C Major, Op. 56
Ludwig van Beethoven:  Violin Sonata No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24 ´Spring sonata´
Clara Schumann:  Romance, Op. 22 No. 1
Johannes Brahms: Violin Sonata No. 3 in D Minor, Op. 108


The artistic director of the Maribor Festival Richard Tognetti in the company of two exceptional women with a mix of attractive works by three brilliant composers and a versatile female artist - pianist and composer Clara Schumann. Parallel worlds between the creativity of women and masterpieces created by men. Aljaž Zupančič, the program booklet text author notes in this respect that the history of music is indeed dominated by a vast number of male names, however the women in the background make its most essential part. Logically - who would all the great men be without the source of their inspiration?


In coproduction with musikabendeGRAZ. 



Glasbeno društvo festival Maribor

Retovški trg 1

2000 Maribor